From December 30 to January 1, millions of messages, memes and calls will flood WhatsApp, but the application is already ready and comes with new features. This update lands on iOS and will dress your conversations in the best clothes.
Are you ready for what’s coming? The end of 2024 is approaching, it already smells like a party and just so you know, WhatsApp is also ready to become your best ally on December 31 and January 1.
The app has put on its best suit to welcome the New Year with an update that promises to give a 180-degree turn to your messages.
Cutting to the chase, the star of the party is the new camera feature with augmented reality effects. With it, you will be able, for example, to add virtual confetti to your selfies or change the background of your photos to your liking. All of this is made possible by the 24.25.93 update for iOS, which brings a “magic wand” icon to the camera view.
But it doesn’t stop there because WhatsApp has decided that your emojis also deserve a little change of look. Now, when you use festive emoticons like the party face or the confetti ball, you’ll see an explosion of animated confetti on your screen, giving a different touch to the greeting.
On the other hand, if you are one of those who prefer to make video calls, you will find the new “Retouch Mode” and the “Low Light Mode”. The first will leave you as if you have just left the hairdresser, and the second will make those calls you make at night not look so dark.
And speaking of artificial intelligence, WhatsApp is testing a new shortcut to Meta AI in the Chats tab, with the idea that you can have a personal assistant always at hand, ready for you to ask any question and generate all kinds of content.
With all this, you know, update WhatsApp on your iPhone and get ready to welcome 2025. Of course, don’t forget to look up from your mobile phone from time to time to congratulate those next to you as well.
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