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Business Loyalty Programs: The Rise of ‘Starbucks-Like’ Smartphone Rewards

Explore how smartphone loyalty programs are reshaping businesses. Dive into the rise of Starbucks-like rewards!

Sell Massively Upgraded QR-Code Loyalty Programs to Offline or Fully-Online Businesses for Monthly Fees (Agency Rights Included):

In today’s cutthroat business landscape, surviving isn’t just about acquiring new customers; it’s about keeping them coming back for more. Picture this: you walk into your local café, scan your phone, and voilà! You’ve just earned points towards your next free cup of Joe. It’s not just a fantasy anymore; it’s the reality of modern business, thanks to groundbreaking technology.

The power of repeat business

Did you know that for many small businesses, the bulk of their revenue doesn’t come from new leads but from loyal repeat customers? According to a study by BIAKelsey, a whopping 61% of mom-and-pop shops rely heavily on repeat business for their survival. With small businesses facing unprecedented challenges, maintaining a steady stream of repeat customers has become more crucial than ever.

The loyalty advantage starbucks

Enter loyalty programs—the secret sauce behind many successful businesses. Research shows that 84% of consumers are more likely to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program. Not only that, but 62% of consumers tend to spend more money after signing up for one. Talk about a win-win situation!

Discover the Starbucks-Like Loyalty Boom!

The Cost of Acquiring New Customers

But here’s the kicker: acquiring a new customer can be up to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. In other words, it pays to keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

The Gift Card Game-Changer

And let’s not forget about the power of gift cards. Studies reveal that 65% of gift card holders end up spending more than the value of their card on a brand. That’s a significant boost to revenue, especially for small businesses operating on tight margins.

The Downside of Traditional Loyalty Programs

However, traditional loyalty programs have their drawbacks. Many small businesses simply can’t afford the expensive scanner technology required to implement them. Moreover, these systems often aren’t practical for non-global stores and rely on outdated plastic cards in an increasingly digital world.

Enter the Game-Changer: QR Code Loyalty Programs

But fear not, because a game-changing solution is here: QR code loyalty programs. Thanks to years of development, businesses of all sizes can now implement touchless loyalty programs and gift card systems with ease. No expensive hardware or scanning devices are required.

The Rewards Advantage

Introducing Rewardsly—the ultimate solution for businesses looking to boost customer loyalty and drive sales. With its advanced cloud software, Rewardsly allows businesses to create and manage loyalty programs and gift card systems effortlessly.

Amazing new features

  • API Integration with Major POS Systems: Seamlessly integrate Rewardsly with popular POS systems like Square and Clover.
  • Cloud eCommerce Rewards Stores: Automatically build online stores with integrated loyalty programs, making it easier than ever for customers to earn rewards.
  • A.I. Rewards Follow-ups: Utilize smart technology to send targeted emails and notifications to loyalty program members, increasing sales and engagement.
  • Viral Rewards Sharing Programs: Encourage customers to share referral links and earn rewards, driving new leads and repeat business.
  • Revolutionary ‘Safe Mode’: Prevent abuse of loyalty programs by enabling ‘safe mode’, which requires manual approval for each sale and reward.
  • Import Customers from Other Programs: Seamlessly transition from old loyalty programs to Rewardsly 2.0, retaining existing customers and points.

How it Works

  1. Create Rewards and Loyalty Points: Design customized rewards and assign loyalty points based on customer purchases.
  2. Generate Smart QR Codes: Create unique QR codes for each store or product, allowing customers to easily earn and track rewards.
  3. Track Points and Rewards: Automatically track customer points and rewards, incentivizing continued engagement and purchases.
  4. Incentivize Customers: Encourage customers to keep coming back by offering enticing rewards and incentives.


In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, loyalty is the name of the game. With Rewardsly, businesses can level the playing field and compete with industry giants by offering cutting-edge loyalty programs and gift card systems. Say goodbye to outdated plastic cards and hello to the future of customer loyalty.

Lineesh Kumar
Lineesh Kumar

Expertise in digital marketing

Articles: 244

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